Smarter Creative is my process for finding, developing, and pitching big ideas. I’ve refined it over 25 years in the advertising industry working in agencies and as an independent consultant.
Smarter creative is…
Efficient collaboration.
Collaborating more efficiently means collaborating more effectively. I bring together diverse voices and supercharge our idea sharing with proven expansion and contraction techniques, and the most innovative remote collaboration tools.
Smarter Creative…
More ideas. More quickly.
With more ideas on the table you’re more likely to find your next big idea. Smarter Creative generates more initial ideas and rapidly validates the most interesting ones. And every single idea is digitally cataloged so they’re ready if we need them down the road.
Smarter creative Is…
With Smarter Creative every creative team member is held accountable for big thinking. That includes grizzled creative veterans, novice juniors, and even eager clients. I set clear expectations and define all deliverables to maximize everyone’s success.
Smarter Creative…
Ready for review.
The best way to see if your big idea is hitting the mark, is to share it for review. Smarter Creative can incorporate agency and client review early in the development process to make sure we’re on the right track. And we can even schedule those reviews well in advance.
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MY Guarantee
Advertising and marketing are complicated. They require experimentation and a bit of courage.
I can’t guarantee that a campaign will work, but I can guarantee a campaign produced with Smarter Creative will teach us lessons to make our next campaign more successful.