Nutella Spife


Inventing the Nutella Spife with Smarter Creative to make sure the world took notice.

While I led the creative team at Noise Digital, we used smarter creative and invented the Nutella Spife to promote the versatility of Nutella. The half-spoon, half-knife kitchen utensil quickly spooned and spread its way to became one of Nutella’s most successful promotional campaigns of all time. Naturally, Nutella brought the Spife back for an encore campaign. We used smarter creative to make that campaign even more successful.

We looked at the results from the first campaign and at analytics from Nutella’s social channels to see where the Spife program was succeeding and where it could be tweaked. We saw a trend toward less on-site engagement in favour of engagement in our social channels.

This pointed the way to a strategy with robust distributed content, and a focus on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. We chose fill those channels with delicious morsels of breakfast fun featuring the Spife.

Our big creative idea was inspired by Iron Chef; why not put two moms against each other; tackling common breakfast challenges using either the spoon or knife end of the Spife to get the job done? We called it the Nutella Breakfast Challenge.

In the space of a single day, we created a feast of content for both our French and English speaking audiences. We created trailers, full webisodes, and recipe content to engage Nutella consumers.


178,000 PINs were redeemed in year 1 of the promotion

45,000 Nutella Spifes were awarded

Nutella sales rose 12% year over year


139% increase in PIN redemptions year over year 

Credit: Noise Digital
